U.K. and Former R.O.I. Television
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Contents List
Reception predictors
Television station lists
Transmitter coverage maps
the TV coverage maps (please note possible surprises within)
"Predicted" UK digital TV coverage:
Former "predicted" BBC and ITC analogue TV
coverage (up until 29 November 2004):
Former "predicted" C5 and RSL analogue TV
coverage (up until 29 November 2004):
Former "predicted" UK digital TV coverage
(up until 29 November 2004) (did you see the article
in The Observer 18-APR-2004, and the
Biz/ed article MAY-2004)?:
Former "predicted" ROI UHF analogue TV coverage
(up until 24 October 2012):
Transmitter location maps
Current UK digital TV stations:
Former BBC and ITC analogue TV stations (up
until 29 November 2004):
Former C5 and RSL analogue TV stations (up
until 29 November 2004):
Former UK digital TV stations (up until 29
November 2004):
Former UK VHF TV stations:
Former ROI analogue TV stations (up until
24 October 2012):
Other information
Links elsewhere (with apologies
for the growing number of dead ones)
[End of document, updated to 28 February