For Sale

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Meanwhile - STOP PRESS!
We've a big collection of interesting old-time computer and electronic equipment for disposal right now. Most of it was in serviceable condition when stored from 1980 onwards. Delivery anywhere can be arranged.

The following items are available immediately:

2 DEC 750 / Systime 8750 VAX computers (both 8Mb; one minus PSUs, the other complete plus Floating Point Accelerator modules)

2 Data General Nova 2 and one Nova 1200 computer, plus lots of boards

Various DEC (incl. TU77) and other 9-track tape drives (one huge 1970s ICL double, plus regulated power tower)

Several DEC RM05 and CDC Winchester disk drives (freezer-sized), plus around 48 RM05 disk packs (data confidentiality issues apply)

One "compact" Eagle Winchester disk drive for DEC VAX, hernia model

One Centronics line printer, huge

About 10 DEC terminals (VT200-VT420) and about 15 other (mainly colour) PC monitors, a few dead

About 12 "386" and "286" PCs (Compaq and IBM, plus one Mesh, one Vanilla)

One Hewlett-Packard LaserJet IIIsi printer

Various other items, including keyboards, multiplexers, communications boxes, a few TVs, TV monitors, VCRs, dead oscilloscopes etc etc.

If you're interested in any of these items and would like further information,  please contact us at

[End of document, updated to 14 December 2003 (amended)]