[Return to International Classification of Diseases]
D 1 Cholera 000 D 2 Typhoid fever 001 D 3 Paratyphoid fever and other Salmonella infections 002-003 D 4 Bacillary dysentery 004 D 5 Amoebiasis 006 D 6 Enteritis and other diarrhoeal diseases 008-009 D 7 Other intestinal infectious diseases 005,007 D 8 Silicotuberculosis 010 D 9 Pulmonary tuberculosis 011 D 10 Tuberculous pleurisy 012.1-012.2 D 11 Tuberculous laryngitis 012.3 D 12 Other respiratory tuberculosis 012.0,012.9 D 13 Tuberculosis of meninges and central nervous system 013 D 14 Tuberculosis of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands 014 D 15 Tuberculosis of bones and joints 015 D 16 Tuberculosis of genito-urinary system 016 D 17 Other tuberculosis, including late effects 017-019 D 18 Plague 020 D 19 Brucellosis 023 D 20 Leprosy 030 D 21 Diphtheria 032 D 22 Whooping cough 033 D 23 Streptococcal sore throat and scarlet fever 034 D 24 Erysipelas 035 D 25 Meningococcal infection 036 D 26 Tetanus 037 D 27 Septicaemia 038 D 28 Other bacterial diseases / 021-022 | 024-027 \ 031,039 D 29 Acute poliomyelitis 040-043 D 30 Late effects of acute poliomyelitis 044 D 31 Smallpox 050 D 32 Chickenpox 052 D 33 Measles 055 D 34 Rubella 056 D 35 Yellow fever 060 D 36 Viral encephalitis 062-065 D 37 Arthropod-borne haemorrhagic fever 067 D 38 Infectious hepatitis 070 D 39 Rabies 071 D 40 Mumps 072 D 41 Other viral diseases / 045-046 | 051 | 053-054 | 057,061 | 066,068 \ 073-079 D 42 Typhus and other rickettsioses 080-083 D 43 Malaria 084 D 44 Leishmaniasis 085 D 45 Trypanosomiasis 086-087 D 46 Relapsing fever 088 D 47 Early syphilis, symptomatic 091 D 48 Cardiovascular syphilis 093 D 49 Syphilis of central nervous system 094 D 50 Other syphilis / 090,092 \ 095-097 D 51 Gonococcal infections 098 D 52 Schistosomiasis 120 D 53 Hydatidosis 122 D 54 Ankylostomiasis 126 D 55 Other helminthiases / 121 | 123-125 \ 127-129 D 56 All other infective and parasitic diseases / 089 | 099-117 \ 130-136 D 57 Malignant neoplasm of buccal cavity and pharynx 140-149 D 58 Malignant neoplasm of stomach 151 D 59 Malignant neoplasm of intestine, except rectum 152-153 D 60 Malignant neoplasm of rectum and rectosigmoid junction 154 D 61 Malignant neoplasm of other digestive organs and peritoneum / 150 \ 155-159 D 62 Malignant neoplasm of larynx 161 D 63 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus and lung 162 D 64 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified respiratory organs 160,163 D 65 Malignant neoplasm of bone 170 D 66 Malignant neoplasm of skin 172-173 D 67 Malignant neoplasm of breast 174 D 68 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri 180 D 69 Chorionepithelioma 181 D 70 Other malignant neoplasm of uterus 182 D 71 Malignant neoplasm of ovary 183.0 D 72 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs / 183.1,183.9 \ 184 D 73 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 185 D 74 Malignant neoplasm of testis 186 D 75 Malignant neoplasm of bladder 188 D 76 Malignant neoplasm of other genito-urinary organs 187,189 D 77 Malignant neoplasm of brain 191 D 78 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites / 171,190 \ 192-195 D 79 Secondary and unspecified neoplasm of lymph nodes 196 D 80 Secondary and unspecified neoplasm of other sites and malignant neoplasm of unspecified site 197-199 D 81 Hodgkin's disease 201 D 82 Leukaemia 204-207 D 83 Other neoplasms of lymphatic and haematopoietic tissue / 200 | 202-203 \ 208-209 D 84 Benign neoplasm of skin 216 D 85 Uterine fibroma 218 D 86 Other benign neoplasm of uterus 219 D 87 Benign neoplasm of ovary 220 D 88 Benign neoplasm of kidney and other urinary organs 223 D 89 Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of nervous system 225 D 90 Other benign neoplasm / 210-215 | 217 | 221-222 | 224 \ 226-228 D 91 Carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri 234.0 D 92 Other neoplasm of unspecified nature / 230-233 | 234.1,234.9 \ 235-239 D 93 Non-toxic goitre 240-241 D 94 Thyrotoxicosis with or without goitre 242 D 95 Other diseases of thyroid gland 243-246 D 96 Diabetes mellitus 250 D 97 Avitaminosis and other nutritional deficiency 260-269 D 98 Other endocrine and metabolic diseases / 251-258 \ 270-279 D 99 Iron deficiency anaemias 280 D100 Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia 281.0-281.1 D101 Other deficiency anaemias 281.2-281.9 D102 Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 282-289 D103 Alcoholic psychosis 291 D104 Schizophrenia 295 D105 Affective psychoses 296 D106 Other psychoses / 290 | 292-294 \ 297-299 D107 Neuroses 300 D108 Alcoholism 303 D109 Other non-psychotic mental disorders / 301-302 \ 304-309 D110 Mental retardation 310-315 D111 Meningitis 320 D112 Other inflammatory diseases of central nervous system 321-324 D113 Hereditary and familial diseases of nervous system 330-333 D114 Multiple sclerosis 340 D115 Paralysis agitans 342 D116 Epilepsy 345 D117 Other diseases of central nervous system / 341 | 343-344 \ 346-349 D118 Sciatica 353 D119 Other diseases of nerves and peripheral ganglia / 350-352 \ 354-358 D120 Keratitis with ulceration 363.0 D121 Iritis, choroiditis and other inflammation of uveal tract 364-366 D122 Inflammation of lachrymal glands and ducts 368 D123 Other inflammatory diseases of eye / 360-362 | 363.9 \ 367,369 D124 Strabismus 373 D125 Cataract 374 D126 Glaucoma 375 D127 Detachment of retina 376 D128 Other diseases of eye / 370-372 \ 377-379 D129 Otitis media without mention of mastoiditis 381 D130 Mastoiditis with or without otitis media 382-383 D131 Other diseases ear and mastoid process / 380 \ 384-389 D132 Acute rheumatic fever 390-392 D133 Chronic rheumatic heart disease 393-398 D134 Essential benign hypertension 401 D135 Hypertensive heart disease 402,404 D136 Other hypertensive disease 400,403 D137 Acute myocardial infarction 410 D138 Other ischaemic heart disease 411-414 D139 Symptomatic heart disease 427 D140 Other forms of heart disease / 420-426 \ 428-429 D141 Cerebral haemorrhage 431 D142 Cerebral infarction 432-434 D143 Acute but ill-defined cerebrovascular disease 436 D144 Other cerebrovascular disease / 430,435 \ 437-438 D145 Arteriosclerosis 440 D146 Other peripheral vascular disease 443 D147 Other diseases of arteries, arterioles and capillaries / 441-442 \ 444-448 D148 Pulmonary embolism and infarction 450 D149 Phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, venous embolism and thrombosis 451-453 D150 Varicose veins of lower extremities 454 D151 Haemorrhoids 455 D152 Other diseases of circulatory system 456-458 D153 Acute pharyngitis and acute tonsillitis 462-463 D154 Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis 466 D155 Other acute upper respiratory infections / 460-461 \ 464-465 D156 Influenza 470-474 D157 Viral pneumonia 480 D158 Pneumococcal pneumonia 481 D159 Pneumonia due to other specified organism 482-483 D160 Pneumonia without specification of organism 484-486 D161 Bronchitis, emphysema and asthma 490-493 D162 Hypertrophy of tonsils and adenoids 500 D163 Chronic sinusitis 503 D164 Deflected nasal septum 504 D165 Other diseases of upper respiratory tract / 501-502 \ 505-508 D166 Empyema and abscess of lung 510,513 D167 Pleurisy 511 D168 Pneumoconioses and related diseases 515-516 D169 Bronchiectasis 518 D170 Other diseases of respiratory system / 512,514 \ 517,519 D171 Diseases of teeth and supporting structures 520-525 D172 Other diseases of oral cavity, salivary glands and jaws 526-529 D173 Ulcer of stomach 531 D174 Ulcer of duodenum 532 D175 Peptic ulcer, site unspecified 533 D176 Gastrojejunal ulcer 534 D177 Gastritis and duodenitis 535 D178 Other diseases of oesophagus, stomach and duodenum / 530 \ 536-537 D179 Acute appendicitis 540 D180 Other appendicitis 541-543 D181 Inguinal hernia without mention of obstruction 550 D182 Other hernia without mention of obstruction 551 D183 Hernia with obstruction 552-553 D184 Intestinal obstruction without mention of hernia 560 D185 Chronic enteritis and ulcerative colitis 563 D186 Anal fissure and fistula 565 D187 Abscess of anal and rectal regions 566 D188 Other diseases of intestines and peritoneum / 561-562 | 564 \ 567-569 D189 Cirrhosis of liver 571 D190 Cholelithiasis and cholecystitis 574-575 D191 Other diseases of liver and gallbladder / 570 | 572-573 \ 576 D192 Diseases of pancreas 577 D193 Acute nephritis 580 D194 Other nephritis and nephrosis 581-584 D195 Infections of kidney 590 D196 Calculus of urinary system 592,594 D197 Cystitis 595 D198 Stricture of urethra 598 D199 Other diseases of urinary system / 591,593 | 596-597 \ 599 D200 Hyperplasia of prostate 600 D201 Hydrocele 603 D202 Redundant prepuce and phimosis 605 D203 Other diseases of male genital organs / 601-602 | 604 \ 606-607 D204 Diseases of breast 610-611 D205 Salpingitis and oöphoritis 612-614 D206 Other diseases of ovary, Fallopian tube and parametrium 615-616 D207 Infective disease of cervix uteri 620 D208 Infective disease of uterus (except cervix), vagina and vulva 622 D209 Uterovaginal prolapse 623 D210 Malposition of uterus 624 D211 Disorders of menstruation 626 D212 Sterility, female 628 D213 Other diseases of female genital organs / 621,625 \ 627,629 D214 Infections of genito-urinary tract during pregnancy and the puerperium 630,635 D215 Threatened abortion 632.3 D216 Other haemorrhage of pregnancy / 632.0-632.2 \ 632.4,632.9 D217 Pregnancy with malposition of foetus in uterus 634.0 D218 Toxaemias of pregnancy and the puerperium 636-639 D219 Other complications of pregnancy / 631,633 \ 634.1-634.9 D220 Abortion induced for legal indications 640-641 D221 Other and unspecified abortion 642-645 D222 Delivery without mention of complication 650 D223 Delivery complicated by placenta praevia or ante-partum haemorrhage 651 D224 Delivery complicated by retained placenta or other post-partum haemorrhage 652-653 D225 Delivery complicated by abnormality of bony pelvis, disproportion, malpresentation or other prolonged labour 654-657 D226 Delivery with other complications, including anaesthetic death 658-662 D227 Complications of the puerperium 670-678 D228 Infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue 680-686 D229 Other inflammatory conditions of skin and subcutaneous tissue 690-698 D230 Other diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue 700-709 D231 Rheumatoid arthritis and allied conditions 712 D232 Osteo-arthritis and allied conditions 713 D223 Other and unspecified arthritis / 710-711 \ 714-715 D234 Non-articular rheumatism and rheumatism unspecified 716-718 D235 Osteomyelitis and periostitis 720 D236 Other diseases of bone 721-723 D237 Internal derangement of joint 724 D238 Displacement of intervertebral disk 725 D239 Vertebrogenic pain syndrome 728 D240 Other diseases of joint / 726-727 \ 729 D241 Synovitis, bursitis and tenosynovitis 731 D242 Hallux valgus and varus 737 D243 Other diseases of musculoskeletal system / 730 | 732-736 \ 738 D244 Spina bifida and congenital hydrocephalus 741-742 D245 Congenital anomalies of circulatory system 746-747 D246 Cleft palate and cleft lip 749 D247 Congenital pyloric stenosis 750.1 D248 Other congenital anomalies of digestive system / 750.0 | 750.2-750.9 \ 751 D249 Undescended testicle 752.1 D250 Other congenital anomalies of genito-urinary system / 752.0 | 752.2-752.9 \ 753 D251 Clubfoot (congenital) 754 D252 Congenital dislocation of hip 755.6 D253 Other congenital anomalies of musculoskeletal system / 755.0-755.5 | 755.7-755.9 \ 756 D254 Other and unspecified congenital anomalies / 740 | 743-745 | 748 \ 757-759 D255 Birth injury / 764-768 with 4th digits .0-.3 \ 772 D256 Asphyxia, anoxia or hypoxia / 764-768 with 4th digit .4 \ 776 D257 Haemolytic disease of newborn 774-775 D258 Immaturity, unspecified 777 D259 Other causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality / 760-763 | 764-768 with 4th digit .9 | 769-771 | 773 \ 778-779 D260 Acute heart failure, undefined 782.4 D261 Haematemesis 784.5 D262 Abdominal pain 785.5 D263 Pain referable to urinary system 786.0 D264 Retention of urine 786.1 D265 Incontinence of urine 786.2 D266 Other symptoms Remainder of 780-789 D267 Senility without mention of psychosis 794 D268 Other ill-defined conditions / 790-793 \ 795-796 SUPPLEMENTARY CLASSIFICATIONS DY269 Normal pregnancy Y60 DY270 Live births in hospital Y80-Y89 DY271 Other special admissions or consultations / Y00-Y59 \ Y61-Y79 EXTERNAL CAUSE OF INJURY DE272 Railway accidents E800-E807 DE273 Motor vehicle accident to occupant of motor vehicle E810-E823 with 4th digits .0-.3 DE274 Motor vehicle accident to pedal cyclist E810-E823 with 4th digit .6 DE275 Motor vehicle accident to pedestrian E810-E823 with 4th digit .7 DE276 Motor vehicle accident to other and unspecified person E810-E823 with 4th digits .4-.5,.8-.9 DE277 Other motor vehicle accidents E825-E827 DE278 Water transport accidents E830-E838 DE279 Air and space transport accidents E840-E845 DE280 Accidental poisoning by drugs and medicaments E850-E859 DE281 Accidental poisoning by other solid and liquid substances E860-E869 DE282 Accidental poisoning by gases and vapours E870-E877 DE283 Accidental fall on or from stairs, steps, ladders or scaffolding E880-E881 DE284 Other accidental fall from one level to another E882-E884 DE285 Accidental fall on same level E885-E886 DE286 Other and unspecified accidental fall E887 DE287 Accidental conflagrations E890-E892 DE288 Accidental ignition of clothing or inflammable material E893-E894 DE289 Accidents from controlled fires E895-E897 DE290 Accidents from other and unspecified fires E898-E899 DE291 Accidental drowning and submersion E910 DE292 Accident caused by firearm missiles E922 DE293 Surgical and medical complications and misadventures E930-E936 DE284 Other and unspecified accidents, including late effects / E900-E909 | E911-E921 | E923-E929 \ E940-E949 DE295 Suicide and self-inflicted injury by poisoning by solid or liquid substances E950 DE296 Suicide and self-inflicted injury by poisoning by gases in domestic use E951 DE297 Suicide and self-inflicted injury by other and unspecified means, including late effects E952-E959 DE298 Homicide and injury purposely inflicted by other persons; legal intervention E960-E978 DE299 Injury undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted E980-E989 DE300 Injury resulting from operations of war E990-E999 NATURE OF INJURY DN272 Fracture of face bones N802 DN273 Other fracture of skull / N800-N801 \ N803-N804 DN274 Fracture of spine and trunk N805-N809 DN275 Fracture of humerus, radius and ulna N812-N813 DN276 Fracture of phalanges and metacarpal bones N815-N817 DN277 Fracture of neck of femur N820 DN278 Fracture of other and unspecified parts of femur N821 DN279 Fracture of tibia, fibula and ankle N823-N824 DN280 Other fractures of limbs / N810-N811 | N814 | N818-N819 | N822 \ N825-N829 DN281 Dislocation without fracture; sprains and strains of joints and adjacent muscles N830-N848 DN282 Intracranial injury (excluding skull fracture) N850-N854 DN283 Internal injury of chest, abdomen and pelvis N860-N869 DN284 Laceration, open wound, superficial injury, contusion and crushing, affecting eye / N870-N871 \ N921 DN285 Laceration, open wound, superficial injury, contusion and crushing, affecting hand and fingers / N882-N883 | N885-N887 | N903 | N914-N915 \ N925-N926 DN286 Laceration, open wound, superficial injury, contusion and crushing, affecting other and unspecified site / N872-N881 | N884 | N890-N902 | N904-N913 | N916-N920 | N922-N924 \ N927-N929 DN287 Foreign body in eye and adnexa N930 DN288 Foreign body entering through other orifice N931-N939 DN289 Burn confined to eye N940 DN290 Burn of other and unspecified site N941-N949 DN291 Adverse effects of salicylates and congeners N965.1 DN293 Adverse effects of barbiturates N967.0 DN293 Adverse effects of other medicinal agents / N960-N964 | N965.0 | N965.2-N965.9 | N966 | N967.1-N967.9 \ N968-N979 DN294 Toxic effect of carbon monoxide N986 DN295 Toxic effect of other substances chiefly non-medicinal as to source / N980-N985 \ N987-N989 DN296 Drowning and non-fatal submersion N994.1 DN297 Asphyxiation and strangulation N994.7 DN298 Injury, other and unspecified N996 DN299 Complications of surgical procedures and other medical care N997-N999 DN300 Other effects of external causes / N950-N959 | N990-N993 | N994.0 | N994.2-N994.6 | N994.8-N994.9 \ N995
[End of document, updated to 31 May 2001]