[Return to International Classification of Diseases]
A 1 Tuberculosis of respiratory system 001-008 A 2 Tuberculosis of meninges and central nervous system 010 A 3 Tuberculosis of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands 011 A 4 Tuberculosis of bones and joints 012-013 A 5 Tuberculosis, all other forms 014-019 A 6 Congenital syphilis 020 A 7 Early syphilis 021 A 8 Tabes dorsalis 024 A 9 General paralysis of insane 025 A 10 All other syphilis / 022-023 \ 026-029 A 11 Gonococcal infection 030-035 A 12 Typhoid fever 040 A 13 Paratyphoid fever and other Salmonella infections 041-042 A 14 Cholera 043 A 15 Brucellosis (undulant fever) 044 A 16 Dysentery, all forms 045-048 A 17 Scarlet fever 050 A 18 Streptococcal sore throat 051 A 19 Erysipelas 052 A 20 Septicaemia and pyaemia 053 A 21 Diphtheria 055 A 22 Whooping cough 056 A 23 Meningococcal infections 057 A 24 Plague 058 A 25 Leprosy 060 A 26 Tetanus 061 A 27 Anthrax 062 A 28 Acute poliomyelitis 080 A 29 Acute infectious encephalitis 082 A 30 Late effects of acute poliomyelitis and acute infectious encephalitis 081,083 A 31 Smallpox 084 A 32 Measles 085 A 33 Yellow fever 091 A 34 Infectious hepatitis 092 A 35 Rabies 094 A 36 Typhus and other rickettsial diseases 100-108 A 37 Malaria 110-117 A 38 Schistosomiasis 123 A 39 Hydatid disease 125 A 40 Filariasis 127 A 41 Ankylostomiasis 129 A 42 Other diseases due to helminths / 124,126 \ 128,130 A 43 All other diseases classified as infective and parasitic / 036-039 | 049,054 | 059 | 063-074 | 086-090 | 093 | 095-096 | 120-122 \ 131-138 A 44 Malignant neoplasm of buccal cavity and pharynx 140-148 A 45 Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus 150 A 46 Malignant neoplasm of stomach 151 A 47 Malignant neoplasm of intestine, except rectum 152-153 A 48 Malignant neoplasm of rectum 154 A 59 Malignant neoplasm of larynx 161 A 50 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus and lung, not specified as secondary 162-163 A 51 Malignant neoplasm of breast 170 A 52 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri 171 A 53 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of uterus 172-174 A 54 Malignant neoplasm of prostate 177 A 55 Malignant neoplasm of skin 190-191 A 56 Malignant neoplasm of bone and connective tissue 196-197 A 57 Malignant neoplasm of all other and unspecified sites / 155-160 | 164-165 | 175-176 | 178-181 | 192-195 \ 198-199 A 58 Leukaemia and aleukaemia 204 A 59 Lymphosarcoma and other neoplasms of lymphatic and haematopoietic system / 200-203 \ 205 A 60 Benign neoplasms and neoplasms of unspecified nature 210-239 A 61 Non-toxic goitre 250-251 A 62 Thyrotoxicosis with or without goitre 252 A 63 Diabetes mellitus 260 A 64 Avitaminosis and other deficiency states 280-286 A 65 Anaemias 290-293 A 66 Allergic disorders; all other endocrine, metabolic and blood diseases / 240-245 | 253-254 | 270-277 | 287-289 \ 294-299 A 67 Psychoses 300-309 A 68 Psychoneuroses and disorders of personality / 310-324 \ 326 A 69 Mental deficiency 325 A 70 Vascular lesions affecting central nervous system 330-334 A 71 Non-meningococcal meningitis 340 A 72 Multiple sclerosis 345 A 73 Epilepsy 353 A 74 Inflammatory diseases of eye 370-389 A 75 Cataract 385 A 76 Glaucoma 387 A 77 Otitis media and mastoiditis 391-393 A 78 All other diseases of the nervous system and sense organs / 341-344 | 350-352 | 354-369 | 380-384 | 386 | 388-390 \ 394-398 A 79 Rheumatic fever 400-402 A 80 Chronic rheumatic heart disease 410-416 A 81 Arteriosclerotic and degenerative heart disease 420-422 A 82 Other diseases of heart 430-434 A 83 Hypertension with heart disease 440-443 A 84 Hypertension without mention of heart 444-447 A 85 Diseases of arteries 450-456 A 86 Other diseases of circulatory system 460-468 A 87 Acute upper respiratory infections 470-475 A 88 Influenza 480-483 A 89 Lobar pneumonia 490 A 90 Bronchopneumonia 491 A 91 Primary atypical, other and unspecified pneumonia 492-493 A 92 Acute bronchitis 500 A 93 Bronchitis, chronic and unqualified 501-502 A 94 Hypertrophy of tonsils and adenoids 510 A 95 Empyema and abscess of lung 518,521 A 96 Pleurisy 519 A 97 All other respiratory diseases / 511-517 | 520 \ 522-527 A 98 Diseases of teeth and supporting structures 530-535 A 99 Ulcer of stomach 540 A100 Ulcer of duodenum 541 A101 Gastritis and duodenitis 543 A102 Appendicitis 550-553 A103 Intestinal obstruction and hernia / 560-561 \ 570 A104 Gastro-enteritis and colitis, except diarrhoea of the newborn 571-572 A105 Cirrhosis of liver 581 A106 Cholelithiasis and cholecystitis 584-585 A107 Other diseases of digestive system / 536-539 | 542 | 544-545 | 573-580 | 582-583 \ 586-587 A108 Acute nephritis 590 A109 Chronic, other and unspecified nephritis 591-594 A110 Infections of kidney 600 A111 Calculi of urinary system 602,604 A112 Hyperplasia of prostate 610 A113 Diseases of breast 620-621 A114 Other diseases of genito-urinary system / 601,603 | 605-609 | 611-617 \ 622-637 A115 Sepsis of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium / 640-641 | 681-682 \ 684 A116 Toxaemias of pregnancy and the puerperium / 642,652 \ 685-686 A117 Haemorrhage of pregnancy and childbirth / 643-644 \ 670-672 A118 Abortion without mention of sepsis or toxaemia 650 A119 Abortion with sepsis 651 A120 Other complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium / 645-649 Delivery without mention of complication | 660 | 673-680 | 683 \ 687-689 A121 Infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue 690-698 A122 Arthritis and spondylitis 720-725 A123 Muscular rheumatism and rheumatism unspecified 726-727 A124 Osteomyelitis and periostitis 730 A125 Ankylosis and acquired musculoskeletal deformities / 737 \ 745-749 A126 All other diseases of skin and musculoskeletal system / 700-716 | 731-736 \ 738-744 A127 Spina bifida and meningocele 751 A128 Congenital malformations of circulatory system 754 A129 All other congenital malformations / 750-752 | 753 \ 755-759 A130 Birth injuries 760-761 A131 Postnatal asphyxia and atelectasis 762 A132 Infections of the newborn 763-768 A133 Haemolytic disease of the newborn 770 A134 All other defined diseases of early infancy / 769 \ 771-772 A135 Ill-defined diseases peculiar to early infancy, and immaturity unqualified 773-776 A136 Senility without mention of psychosis 794 A137 Ill-defined and unknown causes of morbidity and mortality / 780-793 \ 795 "E" CODE. ALTERNATIVE CLASSIFICATION OF ACCIDENTS, POISONINGS AND VIOLENCE (EXTERNAL CAUSE) AE138 Motor vehicle accidents E810-E835 AE139 Other transport accidents / E800-E802 \ E840-E866 AE140 Accidental poisoning E870-E895 AE141 Accidental falls E900-E904 AE142 Accident caused by machinery E912 AE143 Accident caused by fire and explosion of combustible material E916 AE144 Accident caused by hot substance, corrosive liquid, steam and radiation E917-E918 AE145 Accident caused by firearm E919 AE146 Accidental drowning and submersion E929 AE147 All other accidental causes / E910-E911 | E913-E915 | E920-E928 \ E930-E965 AE148 Suicide and self-inflicted injury / E963 \ E970-E979 AE149 Homicide and injury purposely inflicted by other persons (not in war) / E964 \ E980-E985 AE150 Injury resulting from operations of war / E965 \ E990-E999 "N" CODE. ALTERNATIVE CLASSIFICATION OF ACCIDENTS, POISONINGS AND VIOLENCE (NATURE OF INJURY) AN138 Fracture of skull N800-N804 AN139 Fracture of spine and trunk N805-N809 AN140 Fracture of limbs N810-N829 AN141 Dislocation without fracture N830-N839 AN142 Sprains and strains of joints and adjacent muscles N840-N848 AN143 Head injury (excluding fracture) N850-N856 AN144 Internal injury of chest, abdomen and pelvis N860-N869 AN145 Laceration and open wounds N870-N908 AN146 Superficial injury, contusion and crushing with intact skin surface N910-N929 AN147 Effects of foreign body entering through orifice N930-N936 AN148 Burns N940-N949 AN149 Effects of poisons N960-N979 AN150 All other and unspecified effects of external causes / N950-N959 \ N980-N999
[End of document, updated to 24 May 2001]