[Return to International Classification of Diseases]
1 Small-pox: Vaccinated 2 Small-pox: Not vaccinated 3 Small-pox: Doubtful 4 Cow-pox and other effects of vaccination 5 Chicken-pox 6 Measles (Morbilli) 7 German measles 8 Scarlet fever 9 Typhus 10 Plague 11 Relapsing fever 12 Influenza 13 Whooping cough 14 Mumps 15 Diphtheria 16 Cerebro-spinal fever 17 Pyrexia (origin uncertain) 18 Enteric fever 19 Asiatic cholera 20 Diarrhoea due to food 21 Infective enteritis, Epidemic diarrhoea 22 Diarrhoea (not otherwise defined) 23 Dysentery 24 Tetanus 25 Malaria 26 Rabies, Hydrophobia 27 Glanders 28 Anthrax (Splenic fever) 29 Syphilis 30 Gonorrhoea 31 Phlegmasia alba dolens 32 Puerperal septicaemia, Puerperal septic intoxication 33 Puerperal pyaemia 34 Puerperal fever (not otherwise defined) 35 Infective endocarditis 36 Pneumonia: Lobar 37 Pneumonia: Epidemic 38 Pneumonia: Broncho 39 Pneumonia: Not defined 40 Erysipelas 41 Septicaemia, Septic intoxication (not puerperal) 42 Pyaemia (not puerperal) 43 Phegmon, Carbuncle (not anthrax) 44 Phagedaena 45 Other infective processes 46 Pulmonary tuberculosis (tuberculous phthisis) 47 Phthisis (not otherwise defined) 48 Tuberculous meningitis 49 Tuberculous peritonitis 50 Tabes mesenterica 51 Lupus 52 Tubercle of other organs 53 General tuberculosis 54 Scrofula 55 Parasitic diseases 56 Starvation 57 Scurvy 58 Alcoholism, Delirium tremens 59 Opium, morphia habit 60 Industrial poisoning by lead 61 Industrial poisoning by phosphorus 62 Industrial poisoning by arsenic and other metals 63 Rheumatic fever, Acute rheumatism 64 Rheumatism of heart 65 Chronic rheumatism 66 Rheumatoid arthritis, Rheumatic gout 67 Gout 68 Carcinoma 69 Sarcoma 70 Cancer, Malignant disease (not otherwise defined) 71 Rickets 72 Purpura 73 Haemophilia, Haemorrhagic diathesis 74 Anaemia, Leucocythaemia 75 Diabetes mellitus 76 Premature birth 77 Congenital hydrocephalus 78 Other congenital defects 79 Injury at birth 80 Atelectasis 81 Want of breast milk 82 Teething 83 Meningitis, Inflammation of brain 84 Softening of brain 85 General paralysis of insane 86 Insanity (not puerperal) 87 Chorea 88 Epilepsy 89 Convulsions 90 Laryngismus stridulus 91 Locomotor ataxy 92 Paraplegia, Diseases of cord 93 Neuritis, peripheral, Polyneuritis 94 Brain tumour (not specific) 95 Other diseases of nervous system 96 Otitis, Mastoid disease 97 Epistaxis, Diseases of nose 98 Ophthalmia, Diseases of eye 99 Valvular disease, Endocarditis (not infective) 100 Pericarditis 101 Angina pectoris 102 Fatty degeneration of heart 103 Hypertrophy of heart 104 Dilatation of heart 105 Syncope, Heart disease (not specified) 106 Cerebral haemorrhage, Cerebral embolism 107 Apoplexy, Hemiplegia 108 Aneurysm 109 Senile gangrene 110 Embolism, Thrombosis (not cerebral) 111 Phlebitis 112 Varicose veins 113 Other diseases of blood vessels 114 Laryngitis 115 Membranous laryngitis (not diphtheritic) 116 Croup (not spasmodic nor membranous) 117 Other diseases of larynx and trachea 118 Bronchitis 119 Emphysema, Asthma 120 Pleurisy 121 Fibroid disease of lung 122 Other diseases of respiratory system 123 Tonsillitis, Quinsy 124 Diseases of mouth, pharynx, oesophagus (not specific) 125 Gastric ulcer 126 Gastritis, Gastric catarrh 127 Other diseases of stomach (not malignant) 128 Ulceration of intestines 129 Enteritis (not epidemic) 130 Gastro-enteritis 131 Appendicitis, Perityphlitis 132 Hernia 133 Intestinal obstruction 134 Other diseases of intestines 135 Peritonitis (not puerperal) 136 Cirrhosis of liver 137 Other diseases of liver and gall bladder 138 Other diseases of digestive system 139 Diseases of spleen 140 Other diseases of lymphatic system 141 Diseases of thyroid body 142 Diseases of supra renal capsules 143 Acute nephritis, Uraemia 144 Chronic Bright's disease, Albuminuria 145 Calculus (not biliary) 146 Diseases of bladder and of prostate 147 Other diseases of urinary system 148 Ovarian tumour (not malignant) 149 Other diseases of ovary 150 Uterine tumour (not malignant) 151 Other diseases of uterus and vagina 152 Disorders of menstruation 153 Other diseases of generative and mammary organs 154 Abortion, Miscarriage 155 Puerperal mania 156 Puerperal convulsions 157 Placenta praevia, Flooding 158 Other accidents of pregnancy and childbirth 159 Caries, Necrosis 160 Arthritis, Periostitis 161 Other diseases of locomotor system 162 Ulcer, Bed-sore 163 Eczema 164 Pemphigus 165 Other diseases of the skin 166 Atrophy, Debility 167 Old age 168 Dropsy, Ascites, Anasarca 169 Tumour 170 Abscess 171 Haemorrhage 172 Sudden death (cause unascertained) 173 Other ill-defined causes 174 Causes not specified 174.1 Other specified diseases 175 Violent deaths: In mines and quarries 176 Violent deaths: Vehicles and horses 177 Violent deaths: Ships, boats, and docks (not drowning) 178 Violent deaths: Building operations 179 Violent deaths: Machinery 180 Violent deaths: Weapons and instruments 181 Violent deaths: Burns and scalds 182 Violent deaths: Poisons, poisonous vapours 183 Violent deaths: Drowning 184 Violent deaths: Suffocation 185 Violent deaths: Falls 186 Violent deaths: Weather agencies 187 Violent deaths: Otherwise or not stated 188 Violent deaths: Battle 189 Violent deaths: Homicide 190 Violent deaths: Suicide 191 Violent deaths: Execution
[End of document, updated to 8 May 2001]