Klemola 44

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We present photographic b27 magnitudes for 507 galaxies within a ... arcmin square field centred on the cluster Klemola 44.

Data Format

  1. identification number
  2. X coördinate in arcsec relative to cluster centre, increasing westwards
  3. Y coördinate in arcsec relative to cluster centre, increasing northwards
  4. b27, integrated blue (b-band) magnitude within the 27 b mag.arcsec-2 isophote
  5. r*(27) arcsec = (A/pi)0·5 where A is the area enclosed by the 27 b mag.arcsec-2 isophote
  6. notes
The internal precision of the magnitudes is about 0·15 mag in b27. An area 356 arcsec in radius centred on the image of the bright star Delta Sculptoris was omitted; otherwise, the sample is essentially complete brightward of b27 = 19·4.


Links to Data Files

(To be completed)

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[End of document, updated to 27 May 1997]