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Jon Godwin's Formal Page
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Prof. Jon Gunnar Godwin MSc DPhil (Oxon)
In Iceland: Jón Gunnarsson
Public Profile
Awards and qualifications
Fellow, Royal Society of Biology 2020
Fellow, Royal Statistical Society 2009
Raymond Bourgine Medal 1996
Silver Medal of the City of Paris 1996
Chartered Physicist 1988
DPhil (Oxon), Astrophysics 1976
Fellow, Royal Astronomical Society 1975
Member, Institute of Physics 1972
MSc (Sussex), Astronomy 1971
BSc (Wales), Joint Hons. Physics, Mathematics
and Electronics
m.c.l. 1970
Commissions and memberships (with interests
asterisked); recent in bold
Acute Myeloid Leukaemia Collaborative Group
Amnesty International *
Anti-Platelet Trialists' Collaborative Group
Anti-Thrombotic Trialists' Collaboration (Secretariat)
Applied Quantitative Methods Network (AQMeN)
(Executive Committee)
Aromatase Inhibitor Overview Group (Writing
Association for Consumer Research *
Astronomical Society of the Pacific
ATLAS (Adjuvant Tamoxifen – Longer
Against Shorter)
Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
Wildlife Trust *
Brasenose Society *
British and International Sailors' Society
British Pugwash Group *
British Vintage Wireless Society *
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament *
Cartwheel Club *
Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Trialists'
Collaborative Group (Secretariat)
Chinese Acute Stroke Trial Collaborative Group
Cholesterol Treatment Trialists' Collaboration
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia Trialists' Collaborative
Project (Secretariat)
Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia Trialists' Collaborative
Group (Secretariat)
Cochrane Bone, Joint and Muscle Trauma
Review Group
Cochrane Eyes and Vision Group
Cochrane Global Ageing Group (Scottish
Steering Group)
Cochrane Movement Disorders Group
Cochrane Stroke Group
Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists (CATS)
Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in
Breast Cancer (Secretariat)
Colorectal Cancer Collaboration (Secretariat)
Commonhealth Projects 7 and 8
Companies House User Panel
Developer Users' Group
Digital Television Group
Distributed Array Processor Group
Early Breast Cancer Trialists' Collaborative
Group (Secretariat)
Efficacy and feasibility of pain management
and patient education for physical activity in intermittent claudication
European Astronomical Society (Lifetime Founding
European Carotid Surgery Trialists' Collaborative
Group (Secretariat)
European Public Health Association (EUPHA)
Expert Panel for the Consensus Development
Conference (CDC) for Community Based Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation in
Fibrinolytic Therapy Trialists' Collaborative
Group (Secretariat)
Fox Users' Group
Glasgow Commonwealth Games Research Partnership
Glasgow Social Statistics Study Group
Greenpeace *
Headbone Hunters' Club *
Hellfire Club *
Institute of Physics (Chartered Physicist)
International Astronomical Union
International Hodgkin's Disease Trialists'
Collaborative Group (Secretariat)
International Journal of Social Business
(IJSB) Editorial Board
International Society for the Measurement
of Physical Behaviour
King's Shropshire Light Infantry (CCF KSLI
Private 1962-1966)
Liver Infusion Meta-Analysis Group (Secretariat)
Medical Research Council Asymptomatic Carotid
Surgery Trial Collaborative Group (Secretariat)
Medical Research Council and National Institute
for Health Research Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme College
of Experts
Musicians' Union *
Myeloma Trialists' Collaborative Group (Secretariat)
National Health Service Contact, Help,
Advice and Information Network (CHAIN)
National Health Service National Institute
for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Guidelines Programme
National Health Service Physical Activity
and Health Alliance (PAHA)
National Institute for Health Research
Health Technology Assessment Programme (HTA, Referees' Panel)
Network of Systematic Reviewers Ireland
and Scotland (NetSIS)
New Europeans *
Oxford Galaxy Group (Founding Member)
Oxford Society *
Oxford Union Society (Lifetime Member) *
The Oxford University Society *
Pelvic floor muscle training for secondary
prevention of pelvic organ prolapse (PREVPROL) (Steering Committee)
Pelvic organ prolapse physiotherapy trial
Promoting Action on Research Implementation
in Health Services (PARIHS)
Prostate Cancer Trialists' Collaborative Group
Pyromaniacs Anonymous *
Radical Statistics Group
Random Acts of Kindness Club *
Red Dragon Society *
Rehabilitation and recovery of people with
aphasia after stroke (RELEASE)
Residential Radon and Lung Cancer Collaborative
Analysis Group (Secretariat)
Royal Astronomical Society (Fellow)
Royal College of Nursing Dynamic Quality Improvement
Royal Photographic Society (Lifetime Member)
Royal Society of Biology (Fellow)
Royal Statistical Society (Fellow)
The Salopian Club *
Save British Science *
Save the Children Scotland Panel *
Science and Engineering Research Council Measuring
Machines Advisory Group
Scottish Centre of Evidence Based Care
of Older People: A Collaborating Centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute
Scottish Dental Needs Assessment Programme
(SDNAP) Older Adults Working Group
Scottish Infection Research Network (SIRN)
Scottish Longitudinal Study of Ageing (SaLSA)
Scottish Policy Innovation Forum
Scottish Society for Psychical Research
(Lifetime and Posthumous Member) *
Scottish Wildlife Trust *
Sedentary Behaviours International Taxonomy
Group (SIT)
Society for Social Medicine and Population
Starlink 2-D Special Interest Group
Statisticians for Society
Trials for Aphasia Panel (TAP)
United Kingdom Transient Ischaemic Attack
Study Group (Secretariat)
University of Oxford (Congregation, Convocation)
University of Sussex Society *
Ventura Publisher Users' Group U.K.
World Wildlife Fund *
Wulf the Briton Club (but only until the issue
where he was inexplicably frightened by wolves!) *
405 Line Society *
Curriculum Vitae
Born Radnorshire; British; m. Sally
Runalls DPA CQSW (Hampshire); daughters Lucinda (Mika) and Alexandra; God-grandfather
to Lily Sophia Kurtz
2020 ff. Full-time carer – current
2013 – 2020 Glasgow Caledonian University
(Professor of Statistics in Medicine and Society, tenured)
2011 ff. University of Oxford (Emeritus
Research Fellow in Clinical Medicine) – current
2009 – 2013 Glasgow Caledonian University
(Reader in Statistics)
2008 – 2009 Glasgow Caledonian University
(Senior Research Fellow in Medical Statistics)
2000 – 2011 University of Oxford (Senior
Research Fellow in Clinical Medicine)
1999 – 2000 University of Oxford (Software
1999 Computer Sciences Corporation, Nottingham
(Software Consultant)
1988 ff. Wolfbane
Cybernetic Ltd, Oxford (founder and Scientific Director) – current
1987 – 1988 Oxford Starlink Site Manager
1985 – 1999 University of Oxford (progressing
to Research Fellow in Clinical Medicine)
1984 – 1988 University of Oxford (Demonstrator
in Astrophysics)
1983 – 1984 University of Durham (Computer
Officer in Physics)
1982 – 1983 University of Oxford (Hulme
Research Officer in Astrophysics)
1976 – 1982 University of Oxford (S.R.C.
/ S.E.R.C. Research Assistant in Astrophysics)
1971 – 1973 University College London
(Demonstrator in Physics and Astronomy)
1970 G.E.C. / A.E.I. / E.E. Hirst Research
Centre, Wembley (Research Officer)
1966 – 1977 TEX Electronics, York (founder
and Managing Director)
1973 – 1976 Brasenose
College, Oxford (Hulme Scholar, DPhil Astrophysics)
1970 – 1971 University of Sussex (MSc
1967 – 1970 University College of North
Wales, Bangor (BSc Physics, Mathematics and Electronics Joint Hons. m.c.l.)
1966 – 1967 York College of Further
Education (Economics, Pure and Applied Mathematics)
1962 – 1966 Shrewsbury
School (Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics)
Leisure interests and pastimes
Art, astrophysics, audio, biology, chemistry,
chess, cinema, computers, cosmology, cycling, debate, D-I-Y, dining, DTT,
DX-TV and vintage TV, electronics, engineering, family, gardening, history
of broadcasting, internet, literature, mathematics, medicine, motoring,
music, pets, philately, philosophy, photography, physics, poetry, psychology,
pyrotechnics, rambling, reading, riding, satire, silviculture, statistics,
swimming, theatre, travel, video, writing etc.
to separate page here]
P.S. ;-)
This lot has recently been kindly and helpfully
described by a dear and estimable colleague as "fraudulent". What, fraudulent,
moi? Feeling quite upset {pout}
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[End of document, updated to 23 October