The GALAXY software download page

Please note that this download area is currently under construction and that some links are still to be activated.

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Contents list


All of the main GALAXY software has now been adapted for 'dual-platform' use, either on Digital/Compaq VMS / OpenVMS or on Microsoft 32-bit Windows systems. Much progress has also been made towards the inclusion of various UNIX-type systems; in particular, a Linux release should soon be available. This document describes how to install the software on a VAX/VMS or OpenVMS system or a PC running 32-bit Windows (Windows 95 upwards and Windows NT 3·51 upwards).

There are various levels of complexity, depending on how much of the GALAXY environment is needed. The currently-available programs can be considered in four categories:

  • Pure stand-alones
  • Stand-alones with files
  • Overview software
  • Ancillary items

  • Pure stand-alones

    These are self-contained programs which can be run either at the command prompt or, if appropriate, from a short-cut on the screen. For Windows systems, box is a 'shell' which prevents the window from closing when certain programs finish. For instance, one could create a short-cut called laser which executed box velvet.
    Name Brief description Download OpenVMS executable now Download Win-32 executable now Notes
    BAIRDE Plotting file translator BAIRDE.EXE bairde.exe
    BOX Shell to hold window open N/A box.exe
    CHARACTER Printer sample generator Needs VELVET for printing
    CONVERT File format converter CONVERT.EXE convert.exe
    DEFORM Print formatting remover DEFORM.EXE deform.exe
    DEHTML HTML file converter DEHTML.EXE dehtml.exe Useful stand-alone
    DESPAM Encodes E-mail addresses in HTML document DESPAM.EXE despam.exe Useful stand-alone
    FIXXER File repairer FIXXER.EXE fixxer.exe
    FLAB FORTRAN label tabulator FLAB.EXE flab.exe Useful stand-alone
    FOREST Interactive logrank evaluator FOREST.EXE forest.exe Useful stand-alone
    HAZARD Endpoint and stratification verifier HAZARD.EXE hazard.exe
    HETERO Interactive chi-square tester HETERO.EXE hetero.exe Useful stand-alone
    INTAPE Alien tape reading utility INTAPE.EXE N/A
    LABELS Laser label constructor LABELS.EXE labels.exe Needs VELVET for printing
    LEMON Graphics file translator LEMON.EXE lemon.exe
    MARB Command file label tabulator MARB.EXE N/A Useful stand-alone
    MILLIE File format convertor MILLIE.EXE millie.exe
    NAGBAG Interactive distribution-function evaluator NAGBAG.EXE nagbag.exe Useful stand-alone
    OUTCSV File format converter OUTCSV.EXE outcsv.exe
    RANDIE Word randomiser RANDIE.EXE randie.exe
    ROGET Dictionary preprocessor ROGET.EXE roget.exe
    ROT13 Interactive ROT-13 encoder/decoder ROT13.EXE rot13.exe Useful stand-alone
    ZOE Interactive odds-ratio evaluator ZOE.EXE zoe.exe Useful stand-alone

    Stand-alones with files

    Although similar in use to the pure stand-alones, these programs each need an additional look-up file.
    Name Brief description Download OpenVMS executable now Download Win-32 executable now Notes
    BURGER Document printer BURGER.EXE burger.exe Needs VENDA.BIN
    COFMAP UK and ROI TV transmitter, coverage and terrain mapper COFMAP.EXE cofmap.exe Needs MAPS.DAT, VELVET for printing and some or all of DTMAPX.BIN, DTMAP2.BIN, eitv.htm, ukdtt.htm, uktv.htm, uk405.htm
    COOKIE 'Cookie fortune' generator COOKIE.EXE cookie.exe Useful stand-alone.
    Needs COOKIE.BIN
    GETDTM Interactive spot height evaluator GETDTM.EXE getdtm.exe Useful stand-alone.
    Needs DTMAPX.BIN and/or DTMAP2.BIN
    ICD Interactive ICD-code evaluator ICD.EXE icd.exe Useful stand-alone.
    Needs ICD.BIN
    KRAKEN Interactive crossword cracker KRAKEN.EXE kraken.exe Useful stand-alone.
    Needs LIA.BIN
    LOCATE Interactive UK and ROI gazetteer to find OS grid references LOCATE.EXE locate.exe Useful stand-alone.
    Needs PLACES.BIN
    POSTCO Interactive UK postcode-to-OS grid reference converter POSTCO.EXE postco.exe Useful stand-alone.
    Needs PCODES.BIN
    SAY 'Simian Shakespeare' generator SAY.EXE say.exe Useful stand-alone.
    Needs LIA.BIN
    TVA Interactive UK analogue TV reception predictor TVA.EXE tva.exe Useful stand-alone.
    Needs uktv.htm, DTMAPX.BIN and/or DTMAP2.BIN and PCODES.BIN
    TVD Interactive UK digital TV reception predictor TVD.EXE tvd.exe Useful stand-alone.
    Needs ukdtt.htm, DTMAPX.BIN and/or DTMAP2.BIN and PCODES.BIN
    TVSTAR Interactive Brand Name Index searcher TVSTAR.EXE tvstar.exe Useful stand-alone.
    Needs TV.BIN
    TXPATH Transmission path profiler TXPATH.EXE txpath.exe Needs DTMAPX.BIN and VELVET for printing
    VELVET Picture printer VELVET.EXE velvet.exe Needs VENDA.BIN
    WONDER Graphics sample generator WONDER.EXE wonder.exe Needs VENDA.BIN
    File name Brief description Download OpenVMS file now Download Win-32 file now Notes
    (1·3 Mb)
    (1·3 Mb)
    Upgrades will follow
    DTMAPX.BIN High-resolution binary file for COFMAP, GETDTM, TVA, TVD and TXPATH DTMAPX.BIN
    (860 Mb)
    (860 Mb)
    DTMAP2.BIN Low-resolution binary file for COFMAP, GETDTM, TVA and TVD DTMAP2.BIN
    (4·3 Mb)
    (4·3 Mb)
    eitv.htm ROI analogue TV station list N/A N/A Upgrades will follow
    ICD.BIN Binary file for ICD ICD.BIN
    (12 Mb)
    (12 Mb)
    LIA.BIN Binary file for KRAKEN and SAY LIA.BIN
    (3·7 Mb)
    (3·7 Mb)
    Upgrades will follow
    MAPS.DAT Data file for COFMAP MAPS.DAT maps.dat Pending
    (25 Mb)
    (25 Mb)
    (15 Mb)
    (15 Mb)
    TV.BIN Binary file for TVSTAR TV.BIN
    (8 Mb)
    (8 Mb)
    Upgrades will follow
    ukdtt.htm UK UHF digital TV station list N/A N/A Upgrades will follow
    uktv.htm UK UHF analogue TV station list N/A N/A Upgrades will follow
    uk405.htm UK former VHF analogue TV station list N/A N/A
    VENDA.BIN Binary file for BURGER, VELVET and WONDER VENDA.BIN venda.bin

    Overview software

    This is a suite of programs which need a database consisting of additional files and directories.
    Name Brief description Download OpenVMS executable now Download Win-32 executable now Notes
    ABSEIL Life-table curve generator ABSEIL.EXE abseil.exe Needs VELVET for printing
    ARACHNE Trial list -to-HTML translator ARACHNE.EXE arachne.exe
    BLACKBOX Overview analyser BLACKBOX.EXE blackbox.exe
    CUTTER Trial list cosmeticiser CUTTER.EXE cutter.exe
    DIFFFE Difference-mask generator DIFFFE.EXE difffe.exe
    DIKTAT Diktat applicator DIKTAT.EXE diktat.exe
    FILTER Trial extractor FILTER.EXE filter.exe
    GAZEBO Forest-plot generator GAZEBO.EXE gazebo.exe Needs VELVET for printing
    GROWLE Mnemonic tabulator GROWLE.EXE growle.exe
    HISTER Prognostic variable display HISTER.EXE hister.exe Needs VELVET for printing
    ICDADD ICD text inserter ICDADD.EXE icdadd.exe
    INQUIST Trial tabulator and tester INQUIST.EXE inquist.exe
    JLIST 'Labyrinth' file generator JLIST.EXE jlist.exe
    LAYBIT Difference mask amalgamator LAYBIT.EXE laybit.exe 'Heritage' only at present
    LBASIC Inquiry form generator LBASIC.EXE lbasic.exe
    LCHECK Trial list checker LCHECK.EXE lcheck.exe
    LIFE Secular curve generator LIFE.EXE life.exe Needs VELVET for printing
    LOOKER Record selector LOOKER.EXE looker.exe
    OVERLOOK Project status display OVERLOOK.EXE overlook.exe Superseded by RUGRAT
    POSTER Logrank subtractor POSTER.EXE poster.exe
    RGBRIEF Mnemonic tabulator RGBRIEF.EXE rgbrief.exe
    RUGRAT Project status display RUGRAT.EXE rugrat.exe
    SBCHECK Mnemonic checker SBCHECK.EXE sbcheck.exe
    SERBIA Interactive mnemonic display SERBIA.EXE serbia.exe
    STARE Error checker STARE.EXE stare.exe
    TERSE Abbreviated trial list generator TERSE.EXE terse.exe
    TITLES Steering file summariser TITLES.EXE titles.exe
    TLIST Trial summariser TLIST.EXE tlist.exe
    TOTALS Project status utility TOTALS.EXE totals.exe
    TRAUMA Data normaliser (Pending; will be provided as skeletal source code only)
    UPDATE Overlay updater UPDATE.EXE update.exe
    WCHECK Flag checker WCHECK.EXE wcheck.exe
    WORLDE Interactive trial summariser WORLDE.EXE worlde.exe
    WRECKE Interactive flag display WRECKE.EXE wrecke.exe

    Astrophysical software

    (To be completed)

    Ancillary items

    File name Brief description Download OpenVMS file now Download Win-32 file now Notes
    gxy1.htm Help file for overview software CTSU.HLB N/A
    GALAXY System set-up file GALAXY.COM galaxy.bat Edit to suit local configuration
    MOVIES Copies new .exes from ...\Release into \clamp N/A movies.exe
    overkill.htm Main GALAXY help file OVERKILL.HLB N/A
    QUASAR Utilities library QUASAR.OLB quasar.lib
    XPRINT Network printing redirector N/A xprint.bat Edit to suit local configuration

    Installation on a Win-32 PC

    It is recommended that certain directories are created: \clamp to hold the .exes and various look-up files (where necessary); \scratch to hold temporary files (e.g. PostScript waiting to be printed) and, if the overview software is to be used, a tree for each overview. An overview tree might typically be kept on a network drive and, in its simplest form, would consist of \x, \x\disk and \x\headbone (where x is the mnemonic for the overview, e.g. BC).

    It would be preferable to add the \clamp directory to the system's PATH. There are also a number of environment variables which it might be found convenient to install, although there is a batch file \clamp\galaxy.bat which will SET them locally at the command prompt instead, if preferred. galaxy.bat might need to be edited to suit the local disk, directory and overview requirements.

    All the programs listed above are available as .exes; some need additional files:

    An overview would need \x\list.dat (optionally other .dats including brief, extras, finish, form, guess, lurche, planet, serial etc etc).

    If you intend to write code, there is also an utilities library quasar.lib (currently built for Compaq Visual FORTRAN 6.5). movies.exe copies new .exes from ...\Release into \clamp.

    Unless your printer is connected locally, the PRINT command probably doesn't work properly from the command console. This is easily remedied using \clamp\xprint.bat, which can be edited to direct the output from burger and velvet to a network queue.

    Installation on a VMS system

    It is recommended that certain directories are created: [.CLAMP] to hold the .EXEs, .HLBs and various look-up files (where necessary); [.SCRATCH] to hold temporary files (e.g. PostScript waiting to be printed) and, if the overview software is to be used, a tree for each overview. An overview tree in its simplest form would consist of [.X], [.X.DISK] and [.X.HEADBONE] (where X is the mnemonic for the overview, e.g. BC).

    There are a number of symbols and logical names which need to be set; there is a command file GALAXY.COM to do this. GALAXY.COM might need to be edited to suit the local disk, directory and overview requirements.

    All the programs listed above are available as .EXEs; some need additional files:

  • ICD needs [.CLAMP]ICD.BIN
  • KRAKEN and SAY need [.CLAMP]LIA.BIN (optionally [.CLAMP]LIA.DAT)
  • TVSTAR needs [.CLAMP]TV.BIN (optionally [.CLAMP]TV.DAT)
  • TXPATH needs [.CLAMP]DTMAP.BIN and VELVET for printing
  • An overview would need [.X]LIST.DAT (optionally other .DATs including BRIEF, EXTRAS, FINISH, FORM, GUESS, LURCHE, PLANET, SERIAL etc etc).

    If you intend to write code, there is also an utilities library QUASAR.OLB (currently built for Compaq FORTRAN 90 on Alpha running OpenVMS 7-3.1).


    Although we should be pleased to offer limited help and advice, no responsibility or liability can be accepted for any use made of the software and files offered on our web site.

    Please note that Alpha, Compaq, Digital, Microsoft, OpenVMS, PostScript, VAX, Visual FORTRAN, VMS and Windows are copyright Trade Marks.

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    [End of document, updated to 26 November 2014, plus changed links 29 November 2016]