A.D. | Events |
1985 |
1986 |
1987 |
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1994 |
1995 |
1997 |
1999 |
Huh? gazebo ? Graunch begins: 1: "steering-file endpoint stratification" descriptor 2: -4: direct input, studies; -3: direct input, studies (compact); -2: direct input, categories; -1: direct input, overviews; 0: no serial and ignore data flags; 1: serial (normal); 2: serial, include no-data entries; 3: show but don't use serial; 4: show but don't use serial, and include no-data entries; 5: serial, include post-cutoff; 6: serial, include no-data and post-cutoff; 3: -9: add N0/N-/N+/N?, <40/40-49 (AN); -8: add N0/N-/N+/N?, <40/40-49, 50-59/60-69 (AN) or N0/N-/N+/N?, 50-59/60-69 (ANE); -7: add 40-44/45-49, 50-54/55-59 (AE) or N0/N-/N+/N?, <40/40-49 (AN) or N0/N-/N+/N? (NE, ANE or ANE3) or N0/N-/N+/N?, ages, ER+/++ (ANE2); -6: add A/B, discard D/other/? (DS) or add D/other (SS) or <40/40-44/45-49, 50-54/55-59 (AE) or <40/40-49 (A) or N0/N-/N+/N? (AN) or N0/N-/N+/N?, ER+/ER? (NE or ANE) or N0/N-/N+/N?, ages (ANE2); -5: add N0/N-, N1-3/N4+/N? (N) or ages (AN) or ER+/ER++/ER?, ages (E) or PR+/PR++/PR?, ages (P) or ER+/ER?, ages (NE) or PR+/PR?, ages (NP) or ER+/ER?, PR+/PR?, ages (EP) or 40-44/45-49, 50-54/55-59, ER+/ER? (AE) or <40/40-49, 50-59/60-69 (A) or 50-59/60-69 (ANE) or ages and nodes, collapse ER (ANE2) or ages and nodes (ANL, ATN, ATN2 or ANG); -4: add ER+/ER++ (E) or PR+/PR++ (P) or <40/40-49, 60-69/70+ (A or AN) or 60-69/70+ (M) or <40/40-44/45-49, 50-54/55-59, ER+/ER? (AE) or 50-59/60-69, ER+/ER? (ANE); -3: add 60-69/70+ (A) or ER+/ER++/ER? (E) or PR+/PR++/PR? (P) or ER+/ER? (AE or NE) or PR+/PR? (NP) or <40/40-49 (AN) or ER+/ER? (ANE) or ER+/ER++ (EA) or ages, M0/M? (AS); -2: add ages, re-order (N) or add ER+/ER++, ages (E) or PR+/PR++, ages (P) or <40/40-49, 60-69/70+ + (AE) or 60-69/70+ (AN) or stages (AS) or ER?/ER+/ER++ (EA) or N0/N-/N+/N? (ANM or AN3); -1: add ages (N, E, P, NN, PN, NE, NP, EP, AS, L or G); 0: strata as found; 1: add up frames; 2: add up frames and on-page strata 4: 0: normal; 1: omit no-death-cause; 2: omit death-cause; 3: omit no-recurrence-site; 4: omit recurrence-site trials/strata; 5: show all junk numerators; 6: show tabular numerators 5: 0: normal (0+); otherwise, year range, e.g. 0-0, 0-2, 2-4, 3, 5+ etc 6: 0: normal; 1: larger characters in lines (default for 'direct input') 7: 0: normal; 1: V5::UDV1:[RG]; 2: V1::UDV1:[RG] instuffing 8: 0: normal; 1: outstuffing; 2: read vertical lock file; 3: write vertical lock file 9: 0: normal; 1: double-size boxes; 2: quad-size boxes 10: 0: normal; 1: no overall-doubling for imbalanced trials (indirect) / put heading `adjusted' (direct) 11: -1: lock bottom of page; 0: normal (100%); otherwise, vertical scaling factor (range 1-100plus) 12: 0: normal; 1: toggle presence of 'information' column; 2: wide 'information' column; 3: wider 'information' column 13: 0: normal; 1: crude titles only; (2+: special options) 14: 0: annual odds; 1: daily odds (default for PC; N.B: must tally with BLACKBOX setting); 2: crude odds; 3: unspecified 15: 0: reductions, 'SE'; 1: reductions, '±'; 2: ratios, 'SE'; 3: ratios, '±'; 4: automatic, 'SE'; 5: automatic, '±' 16: 0: normal; 1: omit subtotals; 2: omit grand total; 3: omit both 17: 0: normal; 1: show actual p-values > 0·1 18: 0: normal; 1: show heterogeneity for subtotals; 2: show trend for subtotals 19: 0: normal; 1: show dotted lines for subtotals 20: 0: normal; 1: show years only; 2: omit suffices to year codes 21: 0: normal; 1: omit (O-E) and V columns; 2: omit events columns 22: -1: abscissa scale logarithmic 0·1 - 10; 0: normal; 1: linear 0·25 - 1·75; 2: linear 0·5 - 1·5 23: 0: normal; 1: show 1 d.p. for subtotal reductions 24: 0: normal; 1: 95% intervals; 2: 99% intervals 25: 0: normal; 1: toggle person-years 26: 0: normal; 1: toggle presence of individual reductions/ratios 27: 0: normal; 1: open boxes for the 'non-updated' 28: 0: normal; 1: omit caption letters and underlining Output: descriptorX Video: descriptorV Completed. Brain power .014 - unacceptable Huh?