FORTRAN 77 array sizes are determined at the time of compilation,
the 'top declaration' of the array allocates a chunk of memory,
and the size of that memory chunk can't be changed during runtime.
Sometimes we don't know beforehand the array size, because the size
of the input data is unpredictable or inconstant.
There are some methods to solve this problem in the framework of
FORTRAN 77, two of them standard conforming and somewhat limited,
the others are non-standard.
Fortran 90 support of automatic and allocateable arrays solved
this problem in a much better and portable way.
Standard-conforming methods
The idea behind these methods is simple: declare in the calling
procedure an array larger than the maximum expected size and
use only part of it in the called procedure.
There are two options now:
1) Pass the 'physical' and 'logical' array dimensions,
('physical' means here the original dimensions, and
'logical' are the reduced dimensions).
Declare the array with the 'physical' dimensions and
Use the dimensional variables to explicitly limit all
LOOP CONTROL VARIABLEs to the 'logical' dimensions.
2) Re-define the array in the called subroutine to have
the required size. Be careful, after once writing to a
re-defined multi-dimensional array, all the procedures
referencing it must re-define it to the same dimensions
(or compute manually all indices).
By the way, re-definition of the dimensions of an array passed
to a procedure, is valid according to the FORTRAN 77 standard.
From the point of view of memory utilization (minimization of
memory paging, at least for multi-dimensional arrays) it is
preferred to redefine the array dimensions. In this method we
use the original array as a kind of memory pool only.
Both options use the syntax of adjustable arrays.
Example of the physical/logical method
program phylog
integer nphys, nlog, i
parameter (nphys = 100)
real a(nphys)
do i = 1, nphys
a(i) = i
write(*,*) 'enter array size: '
read(*,*) nlog
if (nlog .gt. nphys) stop 'too large passed array '
call sub(a, nphys, nlog)
subroutine sub(a, nphys, nlog)
integer nphys, nlog, i
real a(nphys)
do i = 1, nlog
write (*,*) i, a(i)
Example of the re-definition method
program recnfg
integer nphys, nlog, i
parameter (nphys = 100)
real a(nphys)
do i = 1, nphys
a(i) = i
write(*,*) 'enter array size: '
read(*,*) nlog
if (nlog .gt. nphys) stop 'too large passed array '
call sub(a, nlog)
subroutine sub(a, n)
integer n, i
real a(n)
do i = 1, n
write (*,*) i, a(i)
A more fancy example for the redefinition technique:
program adjarr
integer i, j, m, n, a(9,9)
do i=1,9
do j=1,9
a(i,j) = 10*i + j
write(*,*) ' '
write(*,*) ' we have an integer array of size 9x9 '
write(*,*) ' array(i,j) = (10 * i) + j '
write(*,*) ' '
write(*,*) ' we will pass it to a subroutine with '
write(*,*) ' the adjustable array mechanism. '
write(*,*) ' the array dimensions will be '
write(*,*) ' re-defined to m x n '
write(*,*) ' '
write(*,*) ' please supply m,n the new '
write(*,*) ' dimensions in the range [1-9] '
write(*,*) ' '
write(*,*) 'enter m: '
read(*,*) m
write(*,*) 'enter n: '
read(*,*) n
call sub(m,n,a)
subroutine sub(m,n,a)
integer m, n, a(m,n)
write(*,*) ' the re-defined array is: '
write(*,'(1x,i4)') a
The variable format used in the last WRITE statement is non-standard.
Non-standard methods
All these solutions are based on the ability of most operating systems
to allocate a contiguous area of memory to a running program upon request.
Operating systems supply non-standard (from FORTRAN point of view)
'system calls' that a program can utilize to request a memory chunk
while running.
A better solution is to use the memory allocating functions of C,
of course they are implemented with those system calls, but the C
interface is standard (C standard).
The following examples will work when certain requirements are met,
we will try to make them explicit as possible.
The classical 'non-contiguous array' trick
The main-program allocates the memory for the 'client procedure',
where a few simple manipulation are performed on the newly created
array, just to prove the method works. Passing the array element
A(OFFSET) to a subroutine, make it easier to access the 'array extension'.
We declare an array A with one element, the 'mem' routine allocates
memory for 100 elements the size of each is 4 bytes. 'mem' returns
an 'array index' OFFSET, computed with 'pointer arithmetic', that
integer is the 'start index' of the 'array extension'. The routine
'unmem', of course, deallocates the new memory area.
Here we probably assume a call-by-reference argument passing mechanism,
and our INTEGERs are 4 bytes long. Another assumption is that the
Fortran compiler doesn't append an underscore to external names
(see the chapter on Fortran/C interfacing).
program dynarr
integer*4 a(1), offset
call mem(a, 100, 4, offset)
call sub(a(offset))
call unmem(a, 100, 4, offset)
subroutine sub(a)
integer a(100), i
do i = 1, 100
a(i) = i
write(*,*) a
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void mem(int *a, int *m, int *n, int *b)
int *new;
new = (int *)calloc(*m, *n);
if (new == NULL)
printf("\n not enough memory \n");
*b = (int)(new - a) + 1;
void unmem(int *a, int *m, int *n, int *b)
free(a + *b - 1);
Another example, a 5x5 two-dimensional INTEGER*2 array is allocated
and initialized in a C routine:
program test
integer m, n, offset
Integer*2 matrix(1)
call mem(matrix, offset)
m = 5
n = 5
call sub(m, n, matrix(offset))
A FORTRAN routine (just for testing):
subroutine sub(m, n, matrix)
integer m,n, i
integer*2 matrix(m,n)
write (*,*)
write (*,*) ' In Fortran: '
write (*,*)
write (*,'(1X,5I11)') ((matrix(i,j), j=1,5), i=1,5)
The C routine can't modify the value of the pointer to "matrix",
so we use the non-contiguous array technique, and compute the
"offset" between a one-element array declared in the Fortran
code and the new allocated array.
We use the allocated array in sub-procedures of the procedure
that called the C routine, by passing to them "matrix(offset)"
which is a "pointer" to the new array computed by f77.
The whole method can be easily made flexible, and you can have
different size for the array on each run (with the adjustable
array syntax).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
mem(short **matrix, long *offset)
long m, i, j;
short *ptr, **aux;
ptr = (short *) malloc(25 * sizeof(short));
*offset = (long)(ptr - (short *)matrix + 1);
aux = (short **) malloc(5 * sizeof(short *));
for(m = 0 ; m < 5 ; m++)
*(aux + m) = (short *)(ptr + (5 * m));
printf("\n In the C routine: \n");
for(i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
for(j = 0 ; j < 5 ; j++)
aux[i][j] = (i+1) * 10 + (j+1);
printf("%11d", aux[i][j]);
Note that the C routine allocate the storage actually used in the
Fortran code in the first "malloc", it computes the offset between
the one-element Fortran array and the new array with a bit of
pointer arithmetic and passes it back to the Fortran code.
The output looks like this:
In the C routine:
11 12 13 14 15
21 22 23 24 25
31 32 33 34 35
41 42 43 44 45
51 52 53 54 55
In Fortran:
11 21 31 41 51
12 22 32 42 52
13 23 33 43 53
14 24 34 44 54
15 25 35 45 55
Note that printing "row by row" produces
transposed results!
Some remarks on the C routines used above
On most UNIX machines, you will have to add a trailing underscore to
the routine names (mem_, unmem_). See the chapter on FORTRAN/C
interface, or just add the underscore if the compiler/linker complains.
Old C compilers (non-ANSI), declare the dummy (formal) arguments types
not inside the argument list, but in a separate line just below it.
Explicitly controlling the parameter-passing-mechanisms
Here we probably assume a call-by-reference argument passing mechanism,
1) The existence of language extensions that control
the mechanism of parameter-passing (In this example
DEC fortran extensions are assumed).
2) The pointer returned by 'malloc' can be stored
in an INTEGER variable and then passed intact
to a FORTRAN procedure (valid in most machines?).
program dynarr
integer m, n, ptr
write(*,*) ' enter two integers: '
read(*,*) m, n
ptr = malloc(%val(m*n))
if (ptr .eq. 0) stop 'not enough memory '
call sub(%val(ptr), m, n)
subroutine sub(arr, m, n)
integer m, n, arr(m,n), i, j
do j = 1, n
do i = 1, m
arr(i,j) = 10*i + j
write(*, '(1x,i5)') arr
Many compilers support Cray pointers, these beasts may be used
for memory allocation, but be careful, using Cray pointers for
in computation may cause erroneous results (when automatic
compiler optimization is turned on - the default).
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